Sunday, February 8, 2015

Three excercises for solo training.

Corpse pose from Yoga.


I'd like to recommend three excercises which will give substance to your Aikido techniques. A lot of Aikido will be nice to look at but will lack content. What I mean by this, it's mostly an empty or "dead" form. The techniques are imitated but there's something missing. Usually the first few years of practice will consist of trying to remember the techniques and take tests. I've always got this feeling that there's something lacking. One could compare this to a beautiful bottle of wine which has a bad or mediocre tasting wine in it. The opposite can also be true, form not beautiful but with intent and alive. What's missing and how to fill your best bottle with the best wine there is?


I'd like my techniques to be filled with:

- Relaxed effortless power.

- Spontaneous adjustments of techniques.

- Balanced movements.

- Listening energy.


My top three solo excercises to attain these qualities would be:

1. Corpse pose from Yoga.

2. Zhan Zhuang posture from I Chuan.

3. Zazen posture from Zen Buddhism.


So when you feel something's missing, keep your attention on the next posts where I will share my view concerning these very interesting excercises. It should be noted that these excercises are done in addition to your "regular" Aikido practice.


Enjoy practice.


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