Saturday, October 18, 2014

Fujita sensei study

I would like to explain why I choose Fujita sensei as an example for my Aikido training.
First of all Fujita sensei was a teacher of my own sensei. This is how I got exposed to his vision of Aikido and his training methods. It must be 5 seminars I attended while he was visiting Holland. Thanks to Youtube there's a lot of material to be studied and so I did that too. So from my own experience, that of my sensei and Youtube I will try to share with you some points which I find very interesting in his teaching style.

Here's a video from Bulgaria from a seminar with Peter Bacas, who was the main teacher of my sensei for several years.

  1. Irimi
  2. Sumi otoshi...mae otoshi
  3. Hanmi, hanmi, hanmi
  4. Up/ down
  5. Natural, don't push...don't pull
  6. Round ( circle)
  7. Samurai walk
  8. Same
  9. Armswing
  10. D
  11. Project through the ground
  12. One step
  13. Laser = mind, body, kokyu aimed at one point
  14. Triangle, circle, square
  15. Whole body movement
  16. Gyaku,aihanmi,ryote dori,ushiro ryote dori
  17. Use center( hara)
  18. Posture, taisabaki, technique
  19. Hand as " playmobil" figure
  20. Attack centerline/ spine
  21. 4 taisabaki

I will explain every one of these points over the course of the next few weeks.

1. Irimi movement.

When one is to study Fujita sensei one feature which shows up is the concept of Irimi movement. This is a movement which is decisive and sharp. It's going forward mentally and physically. He called the movement " Enter!" So move forward with a strong posture and strong mind without clashing with your partner.
See if you can study this video and focus on his Irimi movements.

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